Covid-19 Update
16th May 2020
Little Owl Workshops Closed
13th December 2020Bookings can now be made for the little owl workshop. Please see the workshop page for details on what is included, and how it caters for the CV19 situation.
Currently, just the adult female is coming down for food. While she is keen on collecting food for the nestlings, you have a decent chance of getting shots of her in flight, or running across the barn roof, or perhaps along a wooden beam.
The owlets are not out yet, though I am still crossing my fingers that they will make an appearance in the next few days. They're definitely moving around the nest area, as the adult is feeding them at the entrance to it, rather than flying inside.
If all goes well and they successfully leave the nest, then for a while the adults will collect food and feed it to the owlets. Once they can fly, then they'll become more confident, and start coming down for their own food.
If you wish to try for the adult, drop me an email now with preferred dates, and what sort of workshop (half or full day) you would like.
If you'd prefer to wait for the owlets (touch wood), then keep an eye on my Social Media feed (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) for the latest images from the site, and contact me when you see something you would like to photograph for yourself.
Hope to see you soon!