June 2020
5th July 2020
August 2020
4th September 2020With all tours north of the border postponed for a year, I’ve only had the little owls for company, and for earning any sort of income. Thankfully this summer, unlike last, one chick or owlet has made it out of the barn and into the oak trees.
I named it Acorn, and it has been steadily gaining in confidence ever since. And with the presence of the owlet, the interest in workshops has been also growing. Which is a huge blessing in the current climate.
Something I really value and appreciate is return custom. Some of my clients have been back for more, several times, and the same is true for the little owl workshops. One shot that a few of my “regulars” want is the rain-washing shot.
So it was wonderful when, one session with a regular, that the heavens opened and it hammered down with rain… and out came the adult female, to wash her feathers.
It was the icing on the cake for the client, after already watching the owls on a couple of occasions, to finally get to see and photograph this behaviour. I chose to video the action in the main, though I’m glad I paused for a second, to grab a shot, before the end of the lens became too wet to see through!
If you would like to join me for a workshop, please use the contact form on the workshop page to request a date, or drop me an email.