October 2020
31st October 2020
December 2020
4th January 2021During the months when I normally operate the workshops with the little owls, the sun is far too high to attempt any backlit images, with it setting behind the barns.
However late October, through November and into December, the light can be wonderful. Problem is, I'm often working away from home, or the weather is just too bad to do anything at the site.
This year though, with the CV19 situation and me being unable to travel to the Highlands or the West Coast, I've had to make do with the little owl, and over several visits, hoping for decent light and for the owl to come down, I've actually amassed a good gallery of images with the light behind her.
Plus the new camera, with its incredible ability to track her in flight, I've been able to capture images I'd never have been able to before. Well, not without an awful lot of attempts.
That said, this month's image is a simple one of her perched up, at sunset. I love the background with the orbs of light, and how peaceful the scene is. She dropped down from the oak, and perched on the post for quite a while, watching what was going on across the meadow.
Given the continued lockdown and tiered restrictions, expect another little owl shot for December too. Believe me, I've taken a few!
Also please note, I'm not running the little owl workshops any more, or taking any bookings for 2021 either.