Time For A Change?
1st March 2023
Workshops – Book Now
8th September 2023I've moved!
After living on the Isle Of Mull for the last two and a half years, I've bought a house in the Scottish Highlands, and in July this year, relocated from Salen, where I was renting a room, to Inverness. While it might not offer such wildlife right on my doorstep like previous "homes" on Mull, I have access to the whole of Scotland now, and will soon be offering a wider array of workshops here in the Highlands.
Prior to moving to Mull, I had spent a great deal of my time, both for work and pleasure in the Scottish Highlands, and from now on, will be offering winter workshops here again, as well as other experiences throughout the year.
But please don't think that I have abandoned Mull! I've spent so long there, so many holidays, run so many tours and workshops, I would be mad to walk away from offering experiences there, so will continue to spend time on the island whenever possible, and I can still offer workshops.
However, there is a caveat now. Because I'm no longer a resident, I can generally only offer workshops for two days as a minimum.
That said, please keep an eye on the Mull Wildlife Workshop page as there is a section at the top where I will post late availability dates, where you can still book me for single days, when I'm already on the island, and have no additional travel costs to be concerned about.
Workshops in the Highlands can be for one or more days. The variety of workshops here will grow over time so please keep checking back here for the latest offerings.
I hope to see new and existing clients either here in the Highlands soon, or again back over on Mull for some more magical wildlife experiences.