February 2024
2nd March 2024
April 2024
15th June 2024Years ago, when I was living in the Midlands, I would visit some woods late winter, in the hope of seeing goshawks. But when I changed my career to be a full-time wildlife photographer, that period when the action was best for them, was spent working up in the Scottish Highlands.
Now I'm living in the Highlands, such workshops can be booked and run whenever the clients want them to be, which allows me to spend my own time looking for subjects I'm keen on, and this winter, I put in some time looking for goshawks again.
Long story short, I found a good location, and enjoyed some sustained views of several of them, usually when they were displaying. While I managed to get a few images of them alone, this image stood out for me, as it features a male and a juvenile, possibly a female, when they were sizing one another up, in flight over the woods.
I would liked for them to be closer, but I think perhaps I'll invest in another teleconverter for my 500mm lens, a 2x, which might help in such situations. Now I just have to wait until next winter for similar views...