April 2024
15th June 2024
June 2024
19th July 2024Almost the entirety of the month of May was spent working on Mull this year. Which was a blessing, as spring is my favourite time of year, and on Mull it's very special.
That said, it wasn't a spring arrival that grabbed the month's honours, but one of the resident stars. An otter.
Having spotted this otter hunting in the shallows of a loch, we tracked ahead of it, and got into position, and then hoped. Lady Luck was definitely smiling on us, when the otter surfaced with a spotted catshark, or dogfish as they used to be called.
And he brought the meal out on to the shore right in front of my clients and me.
It's always good to enjoy a magical moment during a workshop, but having one on the first morning certainly raises everyone's spirits for the day.
As is often the case, the otter only ate the liver (I think) from the fish, and then swam off in search of something else to dine upon.