Photography Basics
Welcome to Pete Walkden's Photography Basics tuition page.

Your D-SLR can enable you to capture beautiful scenes, if you know how to use it...
Phones, tablets and even watches have cameras built into them these days, and while these are capable of taking amazing images, if you have chosen to invest in a digital SLR camera, you may be wondering what it is really capable of.
If so, then why not spend a day with Pete, learning what you and it can capture, using the variety of modes available on the camera, as well as the vast array of lenses out there?

Practise on the ordinary - a chaffinch.
Session Itinery:
The sessions are relaxed but informative, and Pete will spend as much time as is needed helping you learn at your speed, about photography. From absolute beginners to those wanting to learn new tricks, you will have his full attention throughout the session.