Articles, Opinions And Reviews

Pete uses this Articles page to air views on gear / equipment he has made use of, what he thinks about issues affecting his profession or the wildlife itself, plus handy guides on some of the species of wildlife and locations to photograph them.

With a growing presence on Social Media (on Twitter alone he can get over 150,000 impressions per month), Pete can help promote your product here, as well as review it.

If you would like Pete to review any of your products, please contact him via email or from the About & Contact page on this site.

Some of the products reviewed on this page can be tried and bought from The Birder's Store in Worcester.

Equipment Reviews

Wildlife photography can mean being out in all weather conditions, and contending with rough and hostile environments. As such, any equipment Pete reviews will be tested and rated based on his experience of it, out in the field.


Learn some new techniques for photography, using guides created by Pete.

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What makes Pete tick? Find out his views and opinions on topics with articles in this section. Be it matters of the heart with regards to wildlife, or moans about things he's encountered whilst out and about. Don't agree, drop Pete an email to let him know...

Wildlife Subjects

Pete has written a few helpful guides on subjects he has spent a considerable length of time watching and photographing over the years, and hopefully these posts might offer some help to others wishing to do the same.